Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse (WN) -
Chapter 3436: Merely Pioneers of Existence! II
In one's life, a critical choice is made that entirely changes the landscape and direction of existence.
As a sea of Outerversal Authority leaked out and altered the very landscape nearby, the Instrument of the Beyonder made a grand declaration.
Today, the Immovable Sacred Palace has made a choice, and must now bear the consequences of this choice.
A single word was uttered out. A single word, and yet it was filled with ancient vicissitude and wonder.
The radiance of Invictus Maximus blared.
Causality twisted and distorted as it was brought forward, a senseless amount of Mana being utilized for it.
If any entity would eventually die at the hands of Ozymandias, this causality was brought forward and carried out right away as, at this moment, he focused on the Ordinance Amalgamation and Ordinance of Existence entities nearby.
All those nearby.
It was cruel.
It was senseless.
It was the start of the brutal reign of the Instrument of the Beyonder, Ozymandias!
[Singularity Implosion.]
The name of the fatality was uttered as many entities felt a sense of trepidation, multiple other terrifying auras of Pioneers rising and coming over from the depths of the Immovable Sacred Palace of the Expanse as booming voices arose!
How daring!
Voices filled with authority.
But what the Instrument of the Beyonder had uttered out was already set in stone.
In the next instant, the Ordinance Amalgamation and Ordinance of Existence stage entities in the surroundings suddenly felt a sense of unfathomable ease, and their very weavings of existence shook as from the center of their bodies, terrific gravitational forces of a singularity being born and dying at the same time bloomed.
Their Ordinances were only able to resist it for a fraction of an instant.
And right after, their body crumpled like paper before they exploded into a bloody mess of ground down bones, musculature, and blood!
As if thousands of balloons were popping.
It was a heavy and deafening burst of existence that seemed like the very lifeblood of the Immovable Sacred Palace of the Expanse was being burst under the gazes of all.
Three more auras of Pioneers bloomed as blinding bursts of radiance appeared, each of them with dominating waves of existence that all crushed down to extinguish Ozymandias!
In the far distance, the visage of Palace Master Antiope shifted her jaw back in place as her eyes shook from Trauma.
As if she was reliving the nightmare from a long time ago, the brutality and dominance of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian showed itself off once more!
This was another Calamity entirely. Why did her terror of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian flash when she looked at the Instrument of the Beyonder?
As she asked herself this, she recalled the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian before he disappeared under the blinding brilliance of that gray light!
There, she could swear that she saw the same dazzling golden wheel that was also rotating around the Instrument of the Beyonder at this moment!
This realization was akin to a thunderbolt crashing in her mind, her existence being woken up completely as she felt like she had fallen into many layers of hell.
The Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian and the Instrument of the Beyonder…may just be one and the same.
And even though they had forever locked away the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian and the Infiniverse Dowager, the Instrument of the Beyonder was still here.
Their nightmare was still here as this was the reason they were currently targeted!
Her skin began to crawl as she trembled, recalling the qualities of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian.
Defied Existence freely. Overcame countless difficulties to wage war and decimate others. And if one ever underestimated him…it would be their death!
She didn't underestimate him. They did all they could to even send him away!
And yet…
And yet…!
Her fear made way to madness.
She felt her fractured jaw as her intent maddeningly roared out, remembering what had been an initiating event that many said was the reason for a cascade of events.
Something that had occurred that caused many to come after the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian!
It was…in his name.
With a shrill voice, she pointed towards Ozymandias while Pioneers moved against him, her intent booming out!
That is not just the Instrument of the Beyonder! That is the inheritor of the Lineage of the Megalonians! That is THE Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian, resurrected after all these eons!
Her words spread out far and wide.
Across the Immovable Sacred Palace of the Expanse.
Across all the Pioneers making their entrance here and those who had yet to make a move!
The words and distinction of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian spread out as many memories instantly flashed within the eyes of those who heard them.
This was a very unique term and word that was locked away through history- a type of bloodline that many had gone crazy over as multiple forces had joined in to eradicate and devour them!
Their weavings…could tremendously and ridiculously aid one in the elevation of their own as many powerhouses rose from their downfall.
Now, they heard this term again.
The eyes of all Pioneers flashed with indeterminate light of brilliance while even the knowledgeable Existence Severing Palace Masters were shocked!
Outside of the Blancverse, the visage of the Great Mother trembled with anger as she roared out.
How dare they blaspheme the Instrument of the Beyonder and grant him some lineage of a long-destroyed race?!
This was simply to incur the interest of all others as it was entirely false!
Far from the Expanse.
In the Megalos Beyond.
The Pantheon of Umbra!
The gazes of millions of Outerversal Morphons were observing the shocking dominance of the Instrument of the Beyonder against even Pioneers of Existence, their eyes burning with incredulity and fervor when these booming intent of Palace Master Antiope even reached them.
The moment they did hear it, clamor and chaos erupted!
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