Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse (WN)
Chapter 3475: A Piece! I

A Faceless Nine Tailed Fox.

The vertical white band on its head pulsed with heavy brilliance as it locked onto the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel over anything else.

Behind it, other Faceless entities appeared as the moment they did, the Faceless Nine Tailed Fox made a move!

It flashed and disappeared instantly, its figure reappearing behind the Sword of the Commonwealth and his forces as a single tail out of its nine released hundreds of obsidian hair-like fur.

They acted like silent spears that targeted all entities here- Ordinance Amalgamation and the suppressed Existence Severing Morphons alike!

On the Faceless head of the fox, an obscure rune brimming with a Source pulsed silently as the weavings of those here were not even able to react in time.

They only felt dread.

And a moment later…



Sudden cries of shock and fury erupted as, in the next second, there was only silence.

Hundreds of Simians at Ordinance of Existence and even those like the Sword of the Commonwealth at Ordinance Amalgamation….dead.

Existence Severing Outerversal Morphons, dead!

The disparity in complexity was far too large.

An eerie silence hung in the surroundings after this as the Faceless Nine Tailed Fox looked towards the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel warily, an obsidian pillar rising from it and sinking into the body of the entity that had the highest complexity here.


The massive body of an Outerversal Morphon shriveled as a dark tower rose from it, unique weavings emerging from the Tower as the moment they did, the Faceless Nine Tailed Fox roared out through the vibrant white line across its head, its tails dancing chaotically as a net of obsidian weavings erupted from it to cover the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel!


Yet the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel released a dim glow of radiance that evaded all the lines of the net, along with the terrifying light of the Tower as an instant later, it warped into the folds of space and disappeared!

The Faceless Nine Tailed Fox breathed out heavily with frustration while looking at this as behind it, a Faceless Obsidian Titan appeared as his intent was a laughing one.

Our power isn't nearly enough to obtain a Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel. The Degree of Rejection is simply too high for our Complexity to overcome. Leave it to the Forelders. Come, this early start of the change has thrown many things haywire, and Forelder Noxus has already given us new orders.


The Faceless Obsidian Titan stated such words as the Faceless Nine Tailed Fox was still looking at the spot where the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel had disappeared.

What are the new orders?

To hunt down one of the possible contributors to the Change. Not much is known about the one we are assigned to apart from the fact that they originate from the Megalos Ynnere. But we have been told that when we meet them, we will know.

WAA! The reply of the Faceless Obsidian Titan was heavy as the Faceless Nine Tailed Fox and others nodded with affirmation.

The Faceless Nine Tailed Fox could not seem to take the Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel out of its mind as it asked while staring at the spot it disappeared to.

Where do you think it went? Another Frequency entirely, or still here? This is the third one I see up close that disappeared right before me.


The Faceless Obsidian Titan scratched his head while shaking it ruefully.

The objects that reject us are the ones you're most interested in? What an odd creature you are. As for that Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel…who knows where it went? You may never see that particular one again.


Dreadfully unique words were left behind as the battlefield where Outerversal Morphons and Simians were fighting…was turned into a land of death.

Silently, the Sword of the Commonwealth perished.

When the light of the dark Tower reached all of Omniverse X-1, what would happen to the Viceroy and all the core members of the Commonwealth here?

Everything was unknown.

Further away within Megalos Ynnere.

Near Omniverse X-999.

A dim glow of gold flashed as space tore, something with fantastic unique weavings emerging from the folds of space as it was but a Piece.

A single Piece!

Omniverse X-999.

The Secondary Infiniverse Megalos Seed.

Noah stood side by side with Ozymandias as he felt the concentration of severed authority, his next steps outlined clearly as he thought of exactly what had to occur.

The resources that he needed were too numerous as the one place to obtain them in abundance was Hell Terra Firma. But without authority, the passage of time there was far too slow.

What was needed was the acceleration of time as he collected pioneers en masse. Revealed the weavings of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian in the Expanse would also draw in even more fodder for him to eat up as-...!


He felt a buzzing all of a sudden.

It was loud, and it seemed to come from a close distance!

It resonated with the Atmospheric Weavings of Existence even here as he- someone who was entirely severed from Existence, felt this buzzing frequency clearly!

His eyes flashed brightly as his figure disappeared, crossing a distance equivalent to more than a single Omniverse as he appeared a distance away from Omniverse X-999.

The buzzing of a frequency was now extremely clear as he appeared near a dim brilliance- his eyes capturing a complex object that was miniaturizing itself at this moment.

He didn't know its initial size, but it became smaller than a world in a few milliseconds, and then the size of a human head after another few milliseconds!

It became something a bit over ten inches in size, and yet its radiance was frightening as it held truly potent complexity.

Noah stared at this object with caution and alarm as he saw it was made with countless strokes, and it made the word…[SU]!

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